In different cultures and regions worldwide, parents take many measures to aesthetically make their babies beautiful with materials to skin care products. From jewellery to scarves to kajal, there is no shortage of beauty, and skin care products parents don’t think about. Parents always seem to be looking for the best baby products for newborns.

Kajal has cultural significance, and it is also linked with make-up and beautification purposes. India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Yemen; all have a culture of wearing kajal. The term kajal originated in India; other countries have different names for this eye-specific cosmetic.

Kajal is eye makeup that is manufactured in different ways in different cultures. Traditional practices require one among stibnite or galena. One of the materials is then added with mortar and pestle, forming the black powder we popularly know of. Another way to get kajal is by collecting the soot from a burning wick and mixing it with olive oil. But nothing can beat the safety of ayurvedic baby kajal, and we will discuss it in a moment.

There is also a commercial kajal that you can buy from the store directly or order online. However, these kajals are not always safe enough. The reason is the inclusion of lead. Lead is a toxic material that is harmful to humans. From consumption to even the slightest exposure to the skin is often said to have a dangerous impact.

As the lowest level of lead exposure can turn out to be quite harmful, there are certain precautions you need to consider, especially when you think of applying it to your baby. So, before we head any further, let us discuss the two types of kajal you can get your hands on.

Homemade Kajal:

Homemade kajal can be categorised among ayurvedic baby products and has lesser harmful ingredients present in them. In the case of homemade kajal, you get to use different herbal options to make your healthy alternative.

Commercial Kajal:

The thing about commercial kajal is that it is a refined version made for commercial use. However, it does not guarantee anything on lead quantity or other toxins, but the commercialisation puts some bars on the safety of public use.

Ayurvedic Kajal:

While homemade kajal has its perks, ayurvedic kajal is produced by Indian researchers. It is still important to check out the description, understand the ingredients used in the making, and research all you can. Ayurvedic kajal is the appropriate product under the ayurvedic baby products category.

The Process Of Developing Homemade Kajal

As you can tell by now, homemade kajal does not ensure safety, but there is a chance of lowering the toxins. A few homemade processes tend to reduce the toxin and use herbal objects. Almond kajal is one such product that you can make at home.

  • You will need utensils such as tweezers, forks, glasses, and metal plates to be sterilised before use.
  • You will also require an oil lamp that has to be placed between the glasses.
  • The metal plate will be placed on top of the fire. There has to be little space between the fire and the plate where the almond has to be burned.
  • Almond kajal is different from ayurvedic baby products in some ways. The almond will burn, and soot will start stacking on the downside of the plate.
  • Burn all the almonds by holding them in the flame with a fork or a tweezer. The soot appearing on the plate is the kajal you will need to scrape off.
  • You can scrape it with a knife or other thin, surfaced object. Store the soot in a small container. After you have collected all the kajal, add a few drops of almond oil to the jar. Blend it to make a paste.
  • This paste can be applied in small quantities and used in turns for a significant amount of time.


The best baby products for newborns are the ones that keep safety as their priority. Kajal is symbolic in the Hindu culture of warding off bad omens. In other cultures, it was believed to protect the eye from sun rays. And, there is no more logical explanation of kajal use other than personal beauty and aesthetics. Babies are not advised to wear kajal, but if you have to, use it as little as possible.