React Native:
Cross-platform development has shown to be a viable option to creating a fully native mobile app. Using the native mobile development approach, you create self-contained Android and iOS apps. Cross-platform programming allows you to save money and time by using the same code across both platforms. The React Native framework is a rapidly emerging mobile solution that is widely regarded as the cross-platform app development framework of the future.
React Native is an open-source framework that uses solely JavaScript to create mobile apps. It was introduced by Jordan Walne, a Facebook software engineer, as a new technique for quicker development and a better user experience. React Native apps behave comparable to native apps, which is a key distinguishing characteristic of this platform.
Advantages Of React Native:
Community matters
React Native is an open-source framework that uses solely JavaScript to create mobile apps. It was introduced by Jordan Walne, a Facebook software engineer, as a new technique for quicker development and a better user experience. React Native apps behave comparable to native apps, which is a key distinguishing characteristic of this platform.

Another benefit of using an open-source platform is that your code is acknowledged. Developers may share their expertise and establish portfolios, which motivates them to write better code. For example, after learning something new while working with React Native, a developer can share their knowledge with the GitHub React Native Community, receive feedback, and collaborate with other members.
Facebook, in addition to the GitHub community, is a strong backer of React Native. Developers on Facebook have built a new long-form discussion space where they can share best practices and ideas with other developers. There is also a Reactiflux Chat if you need an immediate response to a question.
Reusable code & pre-built components
This is definitely React Native’s most significant benefit. Developers don’t need to create a unique mobile app for each platform thanks to the ease of this framework, as over 90% of React Native code can be shared between iOS and Android.
React Native is a good alternative for businesses and organizations considering producing a mobile app because it may decrease development time and expenses in half. Furthermore, if a company already has a React internet app, the majority of the code may be ported to a mobile app.
The usage of an open-source library of pre-built components in React Native speeds up the development of mobile apps significantly. Someone else is highly likely to have already written the code for some of the features you’ll need in your app, and you can use it for free.
Simplified UI
The mobile user interface is at the heart of React Native. When compared to AngularJS or MeteorJS, this framework appears to be more of a JavaScript library than a framework.
It’s vital to design a succession of activities while designing a mobile app, and React Native makes this process a snap. React Native-based user interfaces are also more responsive, load faster, and have a smoother feel.
Third-party plugin support
Because the React Native framework is still in development, some fundamental components may be missing. React Native provides two types of third-party plugins to cover this gap: native modules and JavaScript modules.
React Native, for example, allows you to integrate any plugin with a native or third-party module if you need to add Google Maps or Google Calendars to your basic app functionality. React Native Selectmen, React Native Vector Icons, React Native Router Flux, React Native Gifted Spinner, React Native mailbox, and React Native Drawer are some of the most popular third-party React Native plugins.
Modular architecture:
Modular programming separates a program’s functionality into numerous independent and interchangeable modules. This strategy has a few advantages: it allows the development team to be more flexible by allowing developers to dip into one other’s projects as needed, and it makes updating relatively simple. React Native’s straightforward modular architecture tremendously aids developers by allowing them to swiftly upgrade and update their applications. Modules that function with both online and mobile APIs can also be reused.
Live and hot reloading
In React Native app development, live and hot reloading is not the same thing. Let’s start by defining the differences between these two possibilities.
Live reloading reads and compiles a file in which a developer has made modifications, and then sends a new file to the simulator, which reloads the app from the beginning.
Hot reloading was added after the first reloading option and is based on Hot Module Replacement (HMR). The sequence of steps is the same, but when you hit Ctrl + S to save changes, and HMR intermediator inserts the changed files into the proper location while the app is running.
One of the most appealing features of hot reload is the ability to make changes to the source code without having to re-compile the program. If a software engineer has two active windows (one with the code and the other with the app screen), for example, they may immediately view the result on the app screen after making code modifications. Let’s look at how this option works in more detail.
Among cross-platform frameworks, React Native has the best performance. This technology gives apps a native look and feel. React Native is, without a doubt, superior to and distinct from other similar platforms.
Nowadays react native app company is in demand because React Native is the best choice if you need to create an app that runs on both iOS and Android. It can help you save time and money by decreasing the code base by about 95%. Additionally, React Native has a number of open-source libraries of pre-built components that can help you speed up the development process even further.