The Best Protective Gear for Unicycle Riding Should Have These

Unicycle riding is a skill that requires an intense amount of dedication to hone. With it comes great personal rewards, but along the way, you’ll experience your share of unplanned dismounts, which is a nice way of saying that when you learn to ride, you’re going to fall a few times. Just like riding a bike, when you fall off you get right back up and in the saddle – but in the same manner, you need to be well prepared with the best protective gear for unicycle riding nonetheless.

For those occasions when the trail is a little rougher than usual – and for those times when you take unexpected spills – these protective gear will get you back in the saddle as quickly as ever. Start with these, and then if you have any questions or you’re looking for additional options, visit

  • Helmets: Far and away, a helmet is the most important piece of unicycle safety gear. While the vast majority of unplanned dismounts and accidents involving unicycles (and even scooters and bikes) are not serious, the majority of serious accidents involve injury to the head. A good helmet – such as one that is comfortable, well ventilated, and has advanced features like a Multi-Directional Impact Protection System (MIPS) are critical pieces of safety gear. 
  • Knee and elbow pads: When you do experience a tumble from the saddle, oftentimes your knees, elbows, and hands take the brunt of the fall. That’s why skinned and scraped knees are so common. A comfortable pair of knee pads and elbow pads, preferably an easily adjustable pair with removable, washable liners, will provide you a greater level of protection as you pursue your sport. 
  • Leg armor: Knee pads are not the only way to protect your legs while you’re riding. Some riders prefer to invest in leg armor which provides a higher degree of protection to their legs and covers more than just their knees. High-quality leg armor will protect the knee in addition to the shins, typically with high-impact plastic. This protects the shins and lower legs from incidental contact with the ground and with obstacles – but it also protects the shins and inner legs from contact with the tire or the crown of the unicycle, both of which can be painful and abrasive.
  • Gloves and wrist guards: It’s instinctive to reach out to defend yourself or break your fall when you expect to fall, or experience one. For this reason, your hands and wrists often take a fair amount of abuse when you experience an unplanned dismount. That’s why some riders opt for a pair of gloves, even gloves with wrist guards, to protect their hands and wrists while they’re riding. Between the full finger and half finger options available to you, you’ll come across a variety of options with varying wrist protection – and you can experiment with them to see which are the most comfortable and protective. Experience will dictate what is the best choice for you! 
  • Comfortable shoes: Shoes might not make most lists of the best protective gear for unicycle riding, but not because they aren’t important. It’s just that shoes aren’t typically thought of as “protective” despite the fact that they’re the most commonly worn protective gear for most people, every day, unicycle riders and pedestrians included. Shoes protect your feet from obstacles on the road or the trail as well as from the ground, should you fall.

At the end of the day, these are the most critical items that you’ll want to find in a collection of the best protective gear for unicycle riding. If you’re outfitted with these, you’ll be fairly well protected against the majority of obstacles that you experience while riding. 

To learn more about these, or to investigate specific options like Kris Holm Percussion Leg Armor, Kris Holm Full and Half Finger Pulse Gloves, and a variety of other expertly designed and crafted one wheeler safety gear, visit You can even feel free to call them at  678-494-4962.

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