Surgery is the best way to remove piles in 3 days.
Piles can be treated with a variety of home remedies and medications. However, these options will not permanently cure the problem.
Laser surgery is the best and most convenient method to remove piles in 3 days. Laser surgery is a daycare procedure that uses laser energy to treat the problem in just a few minutes. After the surgery, the patient is able to return home in a normal state of consciousness and health. Laser surgery is safe and does not pose a risk of infection. Contact the best Piles Doctor in Kolkata for better treatment.
The laser treatment for piles is painless and has negligible risk of recurrence. The laser surgery procedure can be performed without pain. Cure piles in 3 days. There is no risk; therefore, there is no need to take any risks in the future.
Home Remedies to Piles
Piles can be treated at home with some simple remedies that don’t require surgery. These remedies can reduce the pain of internal hemorrhoids, but they can be dangerous if it goes wrong.
Reduce or prevent constipation
Get more liquids and fiber.
Raspberries, pears and apples are all good choices for making piles.
Include vegetables such as artichokes and green peas, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
These dietary changes can be permanent if your hemorrhoids do not become serious.
Before you try these home remedies, make sure to consult your doctor. These are some home remedies that can be used to treat piles in as little as three days.
Sitz bath
You can ease painful hemorrhoids by sitting in warm water for several times per day. This procedure is called Sitz Bath.
Many people don’t know what a “sitz bath” is. It’s a hot water bath that cleanses the rectal area. It is best to take a Sitz bath right after your bowel movements. It reduces pain and itching in your rectal area and increases blood flow.
Coconut oil for piles
It is known for its strong anti-inflammatory and healing properties that can reduce inflammation. Hemorrhoids can be reduced by coconut oil’s analgesic (or pain relieving) properties.
Ice pack
Ice packs can be used to treat piles. They help strengthen and elasticize veins. It is great for relieving itching, pain, and swelling in your rectal area. This is one of the most effective homemade remedies for piles.
Castor oil
This will help reduce the size and pain of the piles.
Don’t wear tight clothes
Don’t wear restrictive clothing that strains your muscles. Wear loose, cotton clothes that allow your body to breathe.
These are not the only options. Herbal remedies can also be used to treat pile-related symptoms.
Pile treatment with herbal remedies
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to instantly relieve internal hemorhoids, as well as reduce itching around the anus. It is important to use this remedy sparingly as excessive amounts can cause skin irritation and further complications.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help to relieve inflammation and soothe the skin. Aloe Vera, a natural ingredient that soothes the skin and is 100% safe for use in natural forms, can be used to make piles.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil’s anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce swelling and itching caused by internal hemorhoids. This is not a good option for those who are just beginning to develop piles.
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is an anti-inflammatory. The oils and tannins in witch hazel reduce inflammation and speed up the passing of stool.
It’s easily accessible. It is a great home remedy for pimples and also works well for other skin problems like acne. It is known for its anti-bacterial properties, which can be extremely relieving.
Epsom salt and glycerine
This natural remedy for piles is not well-known. It can help relieve pain from piles. You may notice a difference if you apply it directly to the area.
How to reduce piles symptoms and prevent piles?
Eat high-fiber foods You can do it. This softens your stool and increases its bulk. It will also prevent you from straining, which can lead to hemorrhoids. Add Fiber can be added to your diet Slowly to Avoid gas problems.
Get plenty of fluids. To keep your stool soft, drink six to eight glasses of fluids each day.
Consider fiber supplements. A medical study found that over-the-counter fiber supplementation, such as psyllium or methylcellulose, can improve symptoms and reduce the bleeding from piles. Drink enough water to avoid constipation when taking supplements.
Do not strain. When you are trying to pass a stool, tension builds up in your lower rectum by straining and holding your breathe.
Don’t wait until you feel bowel movements. If you wait, the urge will go away. Your stool may dry out, making it more difficult to pass.
Exercise: This helps prevent constipation, as well as reducing pressure on your veins from prolonged sitting or standing. Exercise can help you shed excess weight, which could be contributing to hemorrhoids.
For the best advice about Piles you can contact Dr. Azhar Alam, the best Piles Specialist in Kolkata.
Surgery is the only option if you want to permanently remove your piles in 3 days. Patients can now get rid of their piles with advanced laser surgery in just 3 days.
If your piles persist or do not improve, it is important to see a doctor. It is important to consult a doctor before you try any DIY treatment for piles.