Custom Web Design Trends in 2022


Custom web design has been on the rise in recent years, with more businesses and individuals seeking out bespoke solutions for their online needs. This trend looks set to continue into 2022, with even more innovative and exciting designs hitting the web. Here are 9 custom web design trends that we think will be big in the coming year.

  1. Minimalist designs
  2. Single-page websites
  3. Parallax scrolling
  4. Flat design
  5. Material design
  6. Responsive design
  7. Card-based layouts
  8. Micro interactions
  9. Cinema graphs

Minimalist designs:  

One of the most popular web design trends in recent years has been minimalism. This style focuses on stripping back designs to their bare essentials, resulting in clean, elegant and stylish websites. In 2022, we expect to see more minimalist custom web designs, as businesses and individuals seek out simple yet effective solutions for their online needs, whether that’s a website, app or other digital product. 

While the popularity of minimalism in web design has been on the rise in recent years, we expect to see it become even more mainstream in 2022. This is because more businesses and individuals are recognizing the value of simple, effective solutions for their online needs. Minimalist designs can be extremely stylish and can help to create a sense of calm and serenity, which is often what people are looking for when they go online.

Some of the key benefits of minimalist web design include:

  • Increased usability: When you strip back a design to its bare essentials, you’re left with a much simpler and easier-to-use interface that is easy for users to navigate.
  • Faster loading times: Minimalist designs tend to be lighter and use less code, which means they load faster and are more responsive.
  • Improved readability: Removing superfluous elements from a design can actually improve the usability of a website by making the text more legible and easy to scan.
  • Enhanced focus: With fewer distractions, users can stay focused on what’s important – you’re content!

If you’re thinking about redesigning your website in 2022, or creating a new one from scratch, then consider using a minimalist approach. It could be just what you need to streamline your online presence and create a stylish, effective website that your users will love. Single-page websites: 

Another trend that looks set to continue into 2022 is the single-page website. These websites focus on delivering all of the necessary information on a single page, without the need for clicks or scrolling. This can be an extremely effective way to present information, and we expect to see more businesses utilizing this approach in the coming year.

Single-page websites: 

A single-page website is a web page that contains only one HTML file. This type of website is very simple and easy to create. Single-page websites are perfect for businesses or individuals who want to create a simple online presence.

There are many advantages of single-page websites. One advantage is that they are very fast to load. This is because there is only one HTML file that needs to be loaded by the web browser. Another advantage of single-page websites is that they are very easy to navigate. Users can scroll through the entire website without having to click on any links.

However, there are also some disadvantages of single-page websites. One disadvantage is that they can be difficult to optimize for search engines. This is because there is only one page of content for the search engines to index. Another disadvantage of single-page websites is that they can be difficult to scale. This is because adding new pages or features to a single-page website can be difficult and time-consuming.

Overall, single-page websites are a great option for businesses or individuals who want to create a simple online presence. They are fast to load, easy to navigate, and can be very effective for search engine optimization. However, they can be difficult to scale and may not be suitable for businesses that need to add new pages or features on a regular basis.

Parallax scrolling:  

Parallax scrolling is a technique that has been used in web design for several years now. It involves creating an illusion of depth by having background elements move at a different speed to foreground elements. This can add an extra dimension to a website and make it more engaging for users. We expect to see more custom websites utilizing this effect in 2022.

While parallax scrolling can be used on any website, it is particularly well suited to single-page websites and those with a lot of visual content. This is because it can help to break up long pages of text and make them more visually appealing. If you are thinking of using parallax scrolling on your website, be sure to use it sparingly and only in areas where it will enhance the user experience.

Flat design: 

Flat design is another trend that has been growing in popularity in recent years. This style does away with unnecessary embellishments and focuses on simplicity and typography. In 2022, we expect to see more custom websites embracing flat design principles in order to create clean, stylish and user-friendly solutions.

Flat design has been growing in popularity for a few years now and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. This style does away with unnecessary embellishments and focuses on simplicity and typography. In 2022, we expect to see more custom websites embracing flat design principles in order to create clean, stylish and user-friendly solutions.

Some of the benefits of flat design are that it can be easily translated into responsive design, it loads faster, and it is overall simpler to navigate. If you’re looking for a trend that is here to stay, flat design is definitely it.

Material design: 

Material design is a style that was developed by Google and is based on the principles of paper and ink. It uses a grid-based layout and card-based interface and aims to create a more natural and intuitive user experience. In 2022, we expect to see more custom websites utilizing material design principles to create beautiful and user-friendly solutions,  

Websites that utilize material design principles tend to be more user-friendly and efficient. In the coming years, we expect to see an increase in the number of custom web design services that adopt these principles to create a better overall experience for their users.

Responsive design: 

Responsive design is an essential part of any custom website in today’s world. This approach ensures that a website looks and works great on all devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones. In 2022, we expect to see even more custom websites utilizing responsive design in order to provide an optimal experience for all users. 

Some of the benefits of responsive design include:

  • -Improved user experience: A responsive website provides a better experience for users, as they can access the same content and features regardless of the device they are using. This is especially important in today’s mobile-first world, where users are increasingly likely to be accessing websites on their phones.
  • -Increased traffic and engagement: A well-designed responsive website will see an increase in traffic and engagement, as users are more likely to stick around on a site that works well on their device.
  • -Better search engine ranking: Search engines like Google favor responsive websites in their results, so a custom website that utilizes this approach is more likely to rank highly.

If you’re looking to create a custom website in 2022, be sure to work with a web design agency that specializes in responsive design. This will ensure that your site is able to meet the needs of all users, now and in the future.

Card-based layouts: 

Card-based layouts have become increasingly popular in recent years, and this trend looks set to continue into 2022. This approach involves dividing content up into small, digestible cards, which can be scrolled through easily on mobile devices. This is an ideal way to present information on custom websites, and we expect to see more businesses utilizing this approach in the coming year, especially as 5G technology becomes more widespread.

One of the benefits of card-based layouts is that they make it easy for users to scan through content and find the information they’re looking for quickly. This style of layout also works well on a variety of devices, including mobile phones and tablets. If your business is looking to create a custom website in 2022, then a card-based layout could be the perfect solution.

If you’re planning to create a custom website in 2022, then don’t forget to consider these latest trends. Card-based layouts and dark mode are both increasing in popularity, and they could be the perfect way to make your site stand out from the crowd. Contact a custom web design services agency to discuss your options and find out more about the latest trends in web design.

Micro interactions: 

Micro interactions are small animations or effects that occur when a user interacts with a website. They are designed to add an extra layer of engagement and feedback for users, and can be used to great effect on custom websites. In 2022, we expect to see even more custom websites utilizing micro interactions in order to enhance the user experience,  as well as more sites using them for marketing purposes (e.g. to create a sense of urgency).

Some common micro interactions you might have seen include: 

  • Animated buttons 
  • Progress bars 
  • Pop-ups and modals 
  • Hover states 
  • Tooltips

While they may seem like small details, when used correctly micro interactions can make a big difference to the overall user experience on your website. If you’re looking to add some extra engagement and feedback for your users in 2022, be sure to consider using micro interactions!

Cinema graphs: 

Cinema graphs are still images that contain small elements of movement. They are an effective way to add interest and intrigue to custom websites, and we expect to see more businesses utilizing this technique in the coming year, especially as users become more accustomed to moving images online.

Cinema graphs are a relatively new phenomenon, and they are still quite rare compared to other types of visual content. This means that they can help your website to stand out from the crowd, and they are bound to capture people’s attention. If you want your website to make an impact in 2018, then incorporating cinema graphs could be a great way to do it.

If you’re not sure how to create cinema graphs, then don’t worry – there are plenty of tutorials available online. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll be able to create stunning visuals that will leave your visitors wanting more.


In 2022, we expect to see custom web design continue to evolve and grow. These are just a few of the trends that we think will be big in the coming year. If you’re looking to create a custom website, then be sure to keep these trends in mind. With the right design, your website will be sure to stand out from the rest.

Web design is always changing and evolving. What was popular last year may not be so popular this year. That’s why it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. This way, you can ensure that your website is always looking its best.

So, what do you think? Are you ready to embrace these custom web design trends? If so, then contact a web design professional today and get started on your project!