One of the highly discussed difference between two programming languages is C vs C++. Both C and C++ are programming languages. C and C++ have been used for various development purposes such as database system software, game development, GUI-based applications, operating systems, and many more. C is a middle-level coding language, and C++ is a high-level coding language. C++ is an object-oriented and procedural programming language, and C is procedural. C does not support classes and objects, and C++ supports classes and objects. They have some similarities, but you will read the difference between C and C++ based on different features in this blog. This blog will help you.
Let’s start in-depth difference between C vs C++ programming language:-
What is the C programming language?
C is a general-purpose, procedural programming language. C language was created in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie to run on the new UNIX operating system. C is a simple and easy language that can be used for any task. But C is machine-independent and has been used over the last 50 years to write applications like Linux, Windows, and databases like oracle and mobile Kernels.
C has inspired many other programming languages, and it is a low-level programming language. For example, Python is executed in C.
What is the C++ programming language?
C++ is an object-oriented and computing programming language. C++ was invented in 1980 by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ language is similar to the C language. And it is compatible with C in that it can run 99% of C programs externally. Changing any source of code through C++ is an object-oriented coding language. So, It is a more reliable and well-structured programming language than C. C++ introduced the class and objects.
Features of C and C++
Let’s list down the C and C++ language features.
Features of C
- Bottom-up approach.
- Does not support Classes and object
- Support Pointers
- Support Procedural language
- C scanf and printf are used for the standard I/O(input/ output)
- Efficient and Fast
- Rich Functions with Libraries
Features of C++
- Speed is faster
- Object-oriented programming language.
- Bottom-up approach.
- Supports References and Pointers
- Compile
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Machine Independent
Similarities of C and C++
There are some similarities of C and C++ languages:-
- C and C++ languages have the same syntax.
- Both the language coding structures are the same.
- C++ has a smaller comprehensive grammar rather than C.
- The basic grammar of C and C++ is the same.
- They both share a similar basic syntax.
- The collection of C and C++ languages is similar.
C vs C++: In Depth Difference Of Both
Type of Programming
C is a procedural language. The program’s main focus is on functions or procedures to get things done. The whole problem is broken down into many functions.
On the contrary, C++ is an object-oriented programming language. The main focus is on the problem data, and the classes are created around this Data.
Programming Approach
C is a procedural language, and it follows a top-down programming method. Here we take the problem and then divide it into subproblems to find the solutions to make the main solution.
C++ supports a bottom-up approach to programming. In this, we begin with low-level design and program and then create on this low-level design to make a high-level solution.
Application Development
C language is important in the programming of embedded systems and low-level implementations.
C++ is suitable for server-side applications, network applications, and applications like gaming, etc.
Compatibility With Each Other
C language does not help object-oriented features of C++, and hence it is not agreeable with C++ programs. For programs written in C++ will not run on C compilers.
C++ is a subset of C created and made of its procedural constructs from the C language. So any C program will run and compile fine with the C++ compiler.
Ease of Coding
C is the firsthand language, and we can code it in whichever way we want. C++ consists of object-oriented coding constructs that support the code of high-level programs. Thus if C++ is easier, then c is easy.
File Extension
The programs written in C are regularly saved with a “.C” extension.
The programs written in C++ are saved with the “.cpp” extension.
Data Security
In C, the emphasis is on procedures or functions rather than data. Hence as far as data security is concerned, it is in C.
In C++, as we are dealing with objects and classes, the main building block of the program is Data. So, Data is tightly secured using access specifiers, classes, encapsulation, and many more.
Program Division
A program in C is divided into modules and functions. These modules and functions are called by the main function and other functions for execution.
Program Division
A program in C is divided into modules and functions. These modules and functions are called by the main function and other functions for execution.
A C++ program is divided into objects and classes. The problem is created into objects, and classes of these classes are the executing units created by the main functions and executed.
Standard I/O Operations
The standard I/O operations in C to write/read data from /to the standard device are ‘printf’ and ‘scanf,’ respectively.
In C++, the Data is learned from the standard input device using “cin” while it is written to the output device using “cout.”
C emphasizes the sequence of steps or procedures to solve a problem, being a procedural language.
C++is object-oriented and focuses on objects and classes around which the solution is to be created.
The main() Function
C++, we cannot order a main()function from another point. The main() function is the one execution point.
We can have a main() function called another function in the code in C language.
Variables will be declared at the beginning of the function block in C
We can declare variables anywhere in a C++ program, provided they are declared before using them in code.
This blog has discussed C vs C++. C is a procedural language, and C++ is an object-oriented and procedural language. Data and functions are separated in C because it is a procedural programming language. Data and functions are encapsulated together in the form of an object in C++. Many students are confused about C and C++ languages, and this blog will help you understand C and C++ languages. Hopefully, this blog is very informative and helpful.