Gojek Clone: A Game-Changer App in the On-Demand Industry

Gojek Clone is a well-known on-demand multi-service application. It has more than 101+ on-demand services to offer on a single platform. Built for both iOS and Android Stores, this app is nothing less than a complete business solution for entrepreneurs.

There are numerous mobile apps on Google Play Store and Apple App Store and it is difficult for entrepreneurs to build something cutting-edge. However, with the ready-made Gojek-like app solution, you can build a perfect platform to offer taxi service, parcel delivery, food delivery, on-demand car-washing, and other services.

This app like Gojek is an all-in-one platform where your user can find anything they need, anytime and anywhere!

Why is the Gojek Clone App a Game-changer?

The Gojek-like app is a game-changer because of the following reasons:

It covers various service industries

If you look at the service assortment of apps like Gojek, you will come across multiple services that you can offer on the app. It includes:

  • Transportation services
  • Food and grocery delivery
  • Handyman services
  • Medical services

Well, these are only a few names that you will be able to see on the app’s menu. In Gojek Clone the total number of services is 101+, grouped into 14 service components.

It enables you to make more money

With the Gojek-like app, you can get the assurance of generating more profits. The business models available on this platform are designed to multiply your income.

For instance, if you as the app owner can choose to make money via commissions. Here, you can determine the commission rate you want and make money every time a service is booked.

On the other hand, if you choose Membership Subscription Plans, you can design and offer multiple plans at a price you want. Now, every time a user purchases renews, or upgrades to a new plan, you will make money.

Apart from that, you can also make money from in-app advertising. Integrate third-party Facebook/Google ads on the app’s home screen, and make money on every click on the app.

Build the Perfect Gojek Clone in 1 Week

Do you want to build a perfect on-demand multi-service app like Gojek? Well, now that you know how it is changing the game in the industry, it is time to launch your own app!

It takes only one week to develop the app because the solution is ready-made. A ready-made solution makes it easy for entrepreneurs to develop the app as they only need to white-label it then.

Moreover, it saves a lot of time and money which they would have to waste in abundance if they chose to develop the app from scratch.

List of Features to Integrate into Gojek-like App

Although the Gojek Clone integrates 101+ on-demand services, it is important to have ultra-modern features as well.

  • Track orders and taxis
  • Schedule services
  • Video calling with taxi/delivery driver
  • Voice note instructions
  • OTP verification
  • Invoice generation
  • Login with biometric authentication
  • Multiple credit card management

In Conclusion:

Gojek Clone – KINGX PRO 2023 is a game-changing on-demand application that enables businesses to make abundant profits.

If you want to be one of them, you should start with demo app trials. Choose the solution that suits your Gojek-like business the best.

Integrate components that you want depending on the needs and wants of your audience.

Become the #1 ruler of the on-demand industry by launching just one ultra-modern app!