The Ultimate Guide to Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

Have you ever thought about what needs to be done in order to achieve the Test Goals? This is the software testing life cycle. It is a testing philosophy that applies defined steps in the testing process so as to completely test an application before a final release. In other words, STLC is at the heart of ensuring that you test your applications right.

So, in this blog, we go over all you need to know about the STLC and how to build this strong base for scalable test automation. This will develop a more solid foundation for you to put your structure around and enhance your testing approach in no time. So, let us start reading!

What is the software testing life cycle?

STLC refers to a process composed of several steps which software developers use to test their software. This process consists of test planning, analysis and designs, test execution, and test reporting. The main objective of the software testing life cycle is to make sure that the software performs optimally and conforms to what was specified by the development team.

These teams use STLC to follow through with proper testing before an application is released. In short, STLC is mainly responsible for finding the problem anywhere in the application and making a note of it so that they can resolve it. Benefits of STLC might include –

  • Increased customer satisfaction.
  • Defects & errors rate reduction.
  • Enhanced security & privacy.
  • Greater economic impact.
  • Compliance with the legal regulations.

How does a software testing life cycle differ from SDLC?

This term is an acronym for Software Testing Life Cycle, while the other one stands for that of Software Development Life Cycle. Although they merge, the STLC is just one of the activities carried out in the process of developing software. Below are a few more of the differences to look at:

TypeTesting life cycleDevelopment life cycle
FocusOnly on the testing processBoth the development & the testing process
RelationshipIt is believed to be a successorIt is believed to be a predecessor
ObjectiveTo detect any deformities in the testing processTo overcome the difficulties in the process
PhasesIncludes phases like requirements gathering, design, execution, testing, delivery, and maintenanceIncludes phases like test planning, test design, test implementation, defect reporting & tracking, and test closure
Team InvolvedQA & testersPMs, Analysts, Designers & the Developers itself
PerformedAfter the SDLC phasesBefore the STLC phases

We can conclude,

SDLC incorporates the entire process of developing software or products, whereas STLC constitutes the testing stage. STLC is a subset of SDLC in some way. With this differentiator, now let us go through the stages of the software testing life cycle.

What are the different phases/stages of STLC?

A series of STLC steps ensure the release of quality software. This occurs based on systematic validation from ideation to design and execution, which makes sure that the goals are specific and clear while the needed deliverables exist. Normally, there are six phases of the software testing process.

As we navigate through the essential stages of STLC, it becomes evident that each phase demands precision and expertise. From test planning to execution and reporting, the seamless integration of Logistics software development services is instrumental in ensuring not only the functionality.

So, let us go through this process step by step!

1. Requirement Analysis

During the first part of the software testing life cycle process, the testing team analyzes software requirements. They review the requirements of the development team and stakeholders and validate them as being testable. In this stage, the testing scope is also identified by the testing team, and it defines what features will be tested.

2. Test Planning

At this phase, the testing team will develop a strategy for the actual testing. The test plan comprises the scope, the testing approach that is to be used, the environment, and the schedule. Upon completion, the test plan is reviewed by all stakeholders for approval in order to ascertain that it meets their requirements.

3. Test Case Development

This stage of the software testing life cycle assists in developing the test cases. These test cases are based on requirements and testing plans discussed prior. In this step, user scenarios are created on possible actions that a potential user would take. Such test cases anticipate user behavior problems and describe general use-case scenarios.

4. Environment Setup

This is the stage that creates the testing environment itself. The test environment, as a result, comprises the hardware and software to test the software. However, setting up the testing environments manually can be challenging. Therefore, it is best to streamline the test environment through tools like Selenium, Katalon, TestComplete, etc.

5. Test Execution

In this phase, the test team executes the test cases in the testing environment. After testing, they report any defects to the development team and track those defects until they are resolved. Once these defects are fixed, the testing team also conducts regression testing to ensure that the other part associated with the application is not affected following this change.

6. Process Closure

The last phase of the STLC is the cycle closure. It is at this step that a testing team prepares for a test closure report. The report provides a summary of the testing findings, which indicates how many defects were found and what severity these defects had. It also provides future testing recommendations and enhancements for the sake of effective testing.

Regardless of a team’s structure, STLC must have guidelines on planning, designing, implementing, and reporting on software testing. By not utilizing the software testing process lifecycle, you stand to lose money and time, as well as disappoint your customers. Your software will certainly contain many defects if, at all, quality assurance is an afterthought.

Not to Miss Out: Entry & Exit Criteria in STLC! Research and development mostly have entry and exit criteria, and every process is required to meet these criteria before starting. For example, Entry criteria in the software testing life cycle represent what the tester should have to commence with a phase, and Exit criteria depict what the tester must have before terminating the phase.

What are the methodologies to test the software in STLC?

There are different testing approaches in the methodology of software testing life cycle. However, the most common ones are:

  • Agile Model
  • Waterfall Model
  • V Model
  • Spiral Model

Today, every software testing services company is embracing Agile development methodologies. This is because the Agile method allows them to respond quickly to changes and continuously deliver high-quality software at a fast pace. This process enables teams to liaise with one another concerning requirements. So, if you are looking to outsource your testing process, it is best advised to engage such professionals.

So, till now, we discussed the differences, phases, and methodologies used. However, it is now time to cover the best practices aimed at optimizing your software testing life cycle.

What are the best practices to improve the STLC process?

The following are some of the software testing life cycle practices that businesses can undertake to ensure their software product is free from glitches and does not end up being full of bugs at the expense of security to users.

  • Begin with a good strategy.
  • Create detailed test plans and cases.
  • Engage in a continuous testing approach.
  • Conduct periodic, formal tech reviews.
  • Introduce code quality metrics.
  • Apply automation in the STLC process.


Software testing life cycle is vibrant in developing reliable software. But if it is not optimized, it could be a time-consuming exercise that can only decelerate your product launches and burn down the company’s budget. So, in short, optimizing the STLC can actually be a strategic move that would make an impact on your projects’ success.

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