There ismuch lower marketing budget is required for digital marketing as compared to traditional ways of marketing. Only effective strategies and consistency is required to manage social media accounts. While a lot of amount was required for advertisement on electronic and print media. It is easy for a new startup to target a large number of audience through social media platforms. According CV writing services in UAE, Digital marketing is a best way for the growth of business. It provides many ways to reach the customer and develop a good relationship with them in a low cost.
Inexpensive Approach to Customer:
Now it is easy to know about the customer demand and interest. BY knowing the interest and demand of the customer, it is easy to reach the customer. It is easy to reach the targeted audience with respect to product. There is no need to use traditional ineffective approaches of electronic media to reach the customer. Now it is easy to target the right customer who is interested in the product through digital marketing and it needs much less cost. It only needs effective strategies and consistency.
Attract Customer:
It is easy to engage the customer through digital marketing. It is an easy approach to reach the customer directly. It is easy to turn a social media user in to the customer of business by developing one to one relationship with the customer. Social media campaigns are also effective to invite the organic traffic towards the business site. Social media marketing is more effective to attract a large number of customer.
Using Effective Digital Marketing Approach:
The business usually design the digital marketing strategies with respect to the behavior of the targeted customer. It includes all types of marketing like marketing through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram and emails. User usually feel more comfortable and take more interest in the products that are posed on social media platforms.

Importance of SEO:
SEO plays a vital role in upgrading the search result and the site will appear on the top. Through optimization, the number of incoming organic traffic will increase. So by increase in number of incoming traffic will increase the chance of incoming traffic to turn into the customer of the business. Increase in the number of customer will lead to increase in number of sales and ultimately the business will grow.
Role of Effective Content:
Content plays a vital role in the digital marketing of a small business. There is no need to pay high fee like print media advertisement. It needs a small amount or it might be free and it is more effective because it provides the customer with a complete information about the product. It is an effective way to turn the request of the customer into useful knowledge about the product that will influence the customer to purchase the specific product. Content is way to attract more number of customer and it helps to increase the trust of customer on the product as well as brand.
Digital marketing is more effective than traditional marketing because it required less marketing budget as compared to traditional marketing through electronic and print media. Moreover, it helps to target the right customer and a large number of customer. Social media marketing is more effective as it targets the customer after having knowledge about their demands and interest.