Are you working out regularly but want to make your workout 500% more effective? There are several ways to achieve this, even if it is just a 10-15 minutes daily exercise routine.
When scheduling your workout, it is not about increasing the reps for more effectiveness, but a few simple tricks that you need to know.
Today we shall look into making all types of exercise schedules more effective and easy for you.
Sports Drinks are a No-No!!
While a bottle of cool-blue sports drink might seal the visual deal, health-wise, it is an absolute failure. These are sugar-rich drinks to provide you with energy and replenish thirst. However, they can be extremely unhealthy in the long-run due to their rich sugar content.
If you are a diabetic patient, jogging daily to keep optimum health, this is not the drink for you. Instead, go for nature’s energy drink, water. Water can help quench thirst in no time and has no side-effects. A bottle of fresh and clean water for your workout can help.
Minimal Pre-Workout Consumption
When you make your own workout plan, the chances are that you are scheduling them in the morning. Again, it is the best time to let your body burn excess fat from the calorie deficit.
Now, the best thing before the morning schedule would be to eat in small amounts. As the body’s natural calorie count is low, it has a high fat-burning ability. Excess food can mar this effectiveness. Instead, eat small yet filling meals before a scheduled workout to gain substantial energy.
Limit Your Post-Workout Meals
After a good run or strength-training, you might wish to treat yourself for all the hard work. However, sometimes we love treating ourselves to our favorite foods, ranging from fast-food bites to sugary-sweet cravings.
Moreover, sweet cravings can dull the efforts and refill your body with excess fat and calories.
Instead, opt for nutritious post-workout meals such as
- egg-white omelette, and avocado on toast
- Fruits with Greek Yogurt
- Fresh berry and veggie smoothies
- Pita bread and hummus, and more.
Not only do these help replenish the body with nutrition but also help with the hunger pangs.
Plan Your Cardio Better
According to researchers, you must make sure to not stick to a cardio-only routine as it might disrupt your weight loss journey. While cardio helps burn calories and can be effective for your heart health, the wrong methods do not provide.
For example, you can lose your lean muscle mass through excessive training on the treadmills. Lean muscle mass helps to retain fast metabolism, which burns down excess fat. Similarly, endurance training trains the body to store fat for energy. While it is an effective method, there are shortcomings.
Endurance cardio training requires strict diet schedules, without which you might fall sick. Hence, the best thing would be to stick to a moderately-intense cardio schedule and mix it with other light workout methods such as yoga asanas, crunches, and more.
Sweat it Up
Our bodies are highly adapting to all situations. This means, one type of workout, in the long run, might not do you any good as the body shall be quickly adapting to it.
Instead, change things up every few weeks. You can practice Zumba dancing for a few weeks, and jump to rope climbing when you feel that the body is not sweating much. Doing so can also help to boost your metabolism for quick weight loss.
Make Your Workout Helpful For Yourself
Your body’s health should be the priority overlooked. Hence, make sure to make your workout impactful for the entire system. Do not overexert yourself to reach an unrealistic goal if you feel stressed or weak.
Workout for weight loss or keeping fit is keeping everyone on their toes in 2021. While 2020 was a year that was full of unprecedented changes, it also bought the importance of health into the limelight.
So, read this article on making your workout 500% more effective for a healthy body and mind.