Women need more nutrition than men because they have to face menstruation problems and pregnancy issues. So, they need to take a healthy nutrition diet. Eating healthy foods can help them to lead healthy lives and reduce the risks of chronic harmful diseases such as diabetes, heart problems, cancer, osteoporosis, and more.
The deficiency of iron is common among working women, as they don’t take proper meals due to the long working hours. Iron supplements for Women play an important role in such cases.
Lack of iron or vitamin brings some changes in a woman’s body, these changes should never be neglected. The deficiency of iron can give rise to anemia, and the inadequacy of vitamin can lead to irritability in hands and feet.
Here is the list of vital nutrients that women need daily -:
Calcium -:
Sufficient calcium intake is very important in maintaining healthy bones, if an appropriate amount of calcium is not taken by women it can lead to osteoporosis. The research has shown that the women aged between 20-50 need to take at least 1000mg of calcium per day and the women who are over 50 should take 1200mg calcium daily.
Dairy products, leafy vegetables, tofu, are good sources of calcium, you can include these in your daily diet.
Magnesium -:
Magnesium belongs to the family of minerals and helps in absorbing the calcium. It is needed for many biochemical reactions in women’s bodies and keeps muscles strong. It also maintains nerve functionality and increases immunity power. It is essential for women of more than 30years to take at least 320mg magnesium per day to stay healthy and fit.
Broccoli, cucumber, green beans, and other green vegetables are good sources of magnesium.
Folate -:
It plays an important role in making red blood cells, which helps prevent anemia. It also works as a team with vitamin B12 and vitamin C, to make new proteins in the body.
All women, especially pregnant women should have enough folate in their body, it helps in the growth and development of the baby and prevents neural defects. For pregnant women, the recommended daily allowance of Folate is 400 micrograms per day. Some good sources of folate are nuts, mangoes, spinach, peas, whole wheat, avocado, etc.
Iron -:
As discussed above, due to menstruation bleeding women need more iron than men. Iron is key to maintaining healthy cells, skin, hair, nails, etc. and also to maintain the hemoglobin level in blood. Doctors always recommend iron supplements for women who are prone to anemia. Women must take iron-rich foods such as Baked potatoes, cashew nuts, legumes, tuna to keep themselves anemia free.
Vitamin D -:
It is also known as “sunshine vitamin”, vitamin D helps in building strong bones by absorbing calcium and phosphorus. It has been studied that 42% of women worldwide are vitamin D deficient because they do not get enough UVB energy from the sun. So it is recommended for women to take vitamin D supplements to take it to the optimum level.
Some other diet and nutrition tips -:
- Never skip breakfast
- Drink as much water you can
- Stay away from unhealthy fats
- Lower down the caffeine intake
- Keep away from alcohol
- Do exercise and meditation
- Take enough rest
- Take fibrous food
- Eat plenty of fruits and green leafy vegetables.
The Bottom Line -:
As it has been said “Health is wealth”, therefore it is very important to give priority to health. Without good health, you will not be able to maintain work-life balance and other chores. So, eat healthy and workout daily to enjoy every moment of your life.