Online counseling for Breakups

Relationship are the most beautiful aspect of any person’s life. Couples typically get together and promise to staying together, sharing each other attention, time and love. But often promises don’t come through and the results can be more difficult. If both partners, or even just one can’t stand the other and decides to terminate the relationship, it’s known as an end of relationship. Breakups can be difficult to handle. It doesn’t just affect the individual mentally, but also emotionally and physically too. Breakups can drown someone and even if just one partner wants to end their relationship, it can be one of the most terrifying nightmares for the person who is the one to blame. It is both damaging and painful when the other person is not able to overcome the breakup. There could be a myriad of causes of breakups. To learn more, seek help from the best Counsellor Online at TalktoAngel.

What Causes Breakup?

Breakups do not happen in a flash most often, when one of the parties or both partners want to end their relationship, there are a variety of underlying reasons that can trigger the process of breaking up. Here , we will present a few of the reasons why breakups occur.

  1. Incompatibility – The partners often, after getting together, find out that they are not mutually compatible. While they may love each other but there’s an absence of understanding and arguments between them.
  2. Arguments – Sometimes, a number of arguments are the main reasons for couples to decide to break up. The need for arguments is often the reason, and sometimes serious arguments trigger the idea of a break-up.
  3. Misunderstanding – A misunderstood relationship is another cause for breaking up. Couples rarely get together and talk, leading to confusion.
  4. Affairs – An affair with a person when in a relationship, can result in the breaking up. The repercussions of an affair are often that it results in the breaking of the relationship, too.
  5. Change in Feelings – There are times when after a certain period, one of the partners might experience the feeling of a sudden shift or become attracted to a different person. This can be one of the main reasons behind breaking up.
  6. Family Problems – There are times when there are no conflicts in a relationship, however due to family rules or family conflicts, couples split apart.

There are many more reasons why you might be faced with breaksups.

Breakups And Mental Health

Breakups can be very difficult as well as a myriad of other aspects can affect the extent to which it can be emotionally burdensome:

If a relationship is ended some people call themselves ‘broken-hearted and grieving over the end of a relationship is like grieving for other losses. If a relationship is short-term one may feel fine after just some days, but in the case of a long-term relationship it could require months or even years to truly grieve. The time required to grieve over a breakup may differ dramatically. As more people live in a close relationship for a prolonged duration, breaking up may be akin to a divorce, and cause a lot of emotional stress because of the end of friendships and the sharing of possessions and, sometimes custody disagreements.

After the breakup, a couple may reunite or continue to engage in sexual sex or keep in touch as friends for a while. Although certain people may view reunions as a positive thing, research shows that “on-again, off-again” couples typically experience lower levels of satisfaction with their relationships.

The most common cause of depression is breakups. Some people are prone to suicidal thinking due to their breakups. People often seek the aid of therapists as well as other mental health professionals to help them resolve any unresolved feelings that they might experience after an breakup.

Online Counselling Sessions To Deal With A Breakup

Breakups leave people emotionally and physically weak. On top of that the breakup can cause some people contemplate suicide or self-harming because they feel they’re not sufficient enough. The mental and emotional weakness of people isn’t easy to manage. Therapists and online counseling at TalktoAngel can assist people manage breakups and transition back to your normal life.

It can be difficult accepting the unexpected end of a relationship with a significant other. Certain breakups are more difficult than others and could result in long-lasting traumas. Therapy can help you increase your awareness, healing and development. It helps you progress to the next level’ and help you build healthy relationships for the future.

  • To be able to comprehend, control and create coping strategies to manage your emotional responses to separation.
  • A space where you can be, and experience a sense of sanity and distance from the events in order to discover your own self and what you desire in the midst of chaos an oasis of calm amid the tumult and chaos of lawyers, legal documents and courts.
  • to express your sorrow regarding relationships in a non-judgmental way.
  • to find out your personal story, the goals you have set for yourself as well as your experiences with relationships and the factors that have been the catalysts that brought you here.
  • To identify the cause that causes the feeling of being helpless and take control of your life.
  • To analyze and differentiate the variety of emotions that you’re experiencing.

Online Therapists can be a positive and beneficial aspect of healing after a breakup creates anxiety, depression, or other issues that hampers one’s capability to complete routine tasks, or impacts the way one evaluates their life course, particularly when issues such as depression and low self-esteem, grieving or post-traumatic stress emerge following the break-up.

For more information, feel free to connect with the best Psychologist near me at TalktoAngel.