Whether you are going for the first time or tenth time, choosing the best Passover program is a difficult task. Are you planning to celebrate the upcoming Passover away from your house, you should consider the tips that are mentioned in this article.
Most people are afraid of booking for Passover programs because they are afraid that they might get canceled weeks or days before Passover. Well, if you choose the best Passover program operator, then you will never face any problem. Thus, it is very important to choose the right Passover program operator. By choosing to wring a Passover program operator, you will face problems later. You may have to pay more to hotel owners and keep scrambling for a kosher meal. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the right Passover program operator. Here, in this article, we have mentioned a few top that will help you to choose the best Passover program:
1. Ask For References
Before booking any Passover program, you should always ask for references from the program operator. You should tell the Passover program operator to give the contact details of the previous customers. After that, you should personally contact the previous customers and ask about their experience. Reputable program operators will happily give the reference of previous customers so that you can trust them. If the program operator is new, then you should ask him any experienced person in the crew. The previous guests can show the reality of the Passover program and also you can check the reviews online for example Totally Jewish Travel has good reputation. If they give positive reviews, then you do not need to worry about anything.
2. Fun And Activities
Once you received the positive reviews of the Passover program, then you should ask them about the various fun activities and entertainment involved in the program. If you are going with your family then it is very important to find out whether they are going to offer fun activities for your kids so that they stay busy during Passover vacation. If the Passover program is Sephardi, then you should ask them about Ashkenazi minyan and vice versa. You should also determine the situation related to kitniot.
3. Ask For Kashrut Certificate
You should ask the Passover program operator about the hashgacha. Also, collect the contact details of the supervisor and you should contact that person directly. The supervising person will be very happy to explain the complete process of preparing a kosher meal. If you book experienced Passover program operators then you do not need to worry about the kosher meals.
4. Customizing Option
One Passover program is not capable to meet everybody’s needs and requirements. Therefore, the customizing option should be available. You should think about all those things that you want from the Passover program. You should make a list of things that you want like sightseeing, spending relaxing time at the resort, more children’s fun activities, lectures, and shiurim or delicious kosher meals. You should figure out the important things and give this list to your operator. Make sure that the Passover program operator is capable to provide all these things in the Passover program.
5. Do In-Depth Research For Hotel
You should ask the program operator to reveal the name of the hotel where they are going to check-in. You should search that hotel online to check the online picture, surrounding areas, facilities available in the hotel. It will give you a clear idea that where you are going to check-in.
6. Avoid Using Credit Card
You should try to spend less on your credit card. It will offer protection in some unfortunate cases of Passover program failure. You should also consider buying kosher travel insurance before buying tickets so that you get complete coverage. This trick will prevent you from financial losses.
Final Words
You should always remember that the Pesach hotels and resorts are owned and managed by decent people. They assure you of good quality meals and proper accommodation. The Pesach program operators will take care of your needs and demands. Unfortunately, some dishonest people can cheat you. Therefore, it is good to stay attentive and wisely take your decision. You should consider the above tips while choosing your Passover program.