What does digital preservation or qualified electronic archiving not include?

When we discuss “Digital Archiving” with our clients, their typical response is, “No problem, we’re covered! We either have a backup plan or employ a DMS.

We must make it clear that while these are helpful solutions for your company, they are not solutions for digital preservation. Qualified Electronic Archiving (QeA) is simply digital preservation with a few more “add-ons” for increased confidence. For the sake of simplicity, let’s use digital preservation instead of QeA. 

This article will make it clearer to you why, even though a DMS keeps your company running and meets your immediate demands, it might not be enough for complete digital preservation. Learn about the advantages of qualified electronic archiving, digital preservation, and the limits of other options.

The Advantages of A System for Document Management

Document Management System (DMS) usually includes a number of crucial features to expedite document handling inside an organization, a corporation needs one. It provides complete version control, making it possible to track and manage document revisions effectively. 

The ability to fully control document access and edits—allowing you to know who has checked in and out of the document—is the main advantage of DMS. Thus, for improved workflow efficiency, this improves the security and integrity of the data and is effortlessly connected with other corporate systems, such ERP and CRM.

An added benefit of a DMS to help with document retrieval and collaboration is mobile access functionalities. When taken as a whole, these features help businesses manage and use digital documents more efficiently.

Digital Preservation: What Is It?

The ease of use and accessibility over time that prevents data loss or corruption is known as digital preservation.  It can be necessary for you to include deliberate and planned measures to safeguard digital assets, taking into account issues like file format obsolescence and technology advancements.

It is crucial to remember that digital preservation does not, by default, come with precise rules or specifications pertaining to preservation as outlined in the eIDAS (Electronic Identification and Trust Services) framework.

Check out our most recent blog post regarding the significance of digital preservation tactics. Three main strategies have been covered: emulation, migration, and refreshment. Discover which approach best fits the needs of your business. 

What Makes a Digital Preservation Strategy Necessary?

Assuring long-term access to and usability of digital assets, preserving priceless data, preserving cultural legacy, and guaranteeing that future generations may access and benefit from our digital information are all made possible through digital preservation.

In order to ensure long-term use and accessibility of vital and valuable digital assets, businesses must implement a Digital Preservation Strategy. A Digital Preservation Strategy, as opposed to simple Document Management Software (DMS), is especially helpful for companies that:

  • Handle historical, cultural, or archive material, where preserving digital assets is essential to upholding legal requirements or conserving cultural heritage. 
  • A Digital Preservation Strategy is necessary for research or scientific organizations that generate valuable data in order to preserve the findings’ accessibility and integrity over time.
  • A Digital Preservation Strategy helps government organizations that manage sensitive data by guaranteeing the legitimacy and admissibility of archived material in court.

A digital preservation strategy is essential for satisfying industry-specific needs in sectors like healthcare, banking, and pharmaceuticals that are subject to strict laws and where data integrity and compliance are critical.

In summary 

To put it simply, a robust ecosystem for digital preservation is made possible by numerous methods. Docbyte company plays a key role in this ecosystem. While a Qualified Electronic Archiving solution reduces the requirement for a Records Management system, a Document Management System can function as an information source and effortlessly connect with a Digital Preservation solution. 

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