The 7 Qualities Of A Good Entrepreneur

Several qualities are essential for an entrepreneur to optimize his chances of success. We, therefore, offer you the seven main qualities to become a successful entrepreneur, summarized in an infographic!

Sumit Agarwal invite you to test your entrepreneurial qualities with this list, absolutely not exhaustive, of the qualities required to be, in our opinion, a good entrepreneur.

1. Be determined

The entrepreneur must be determined in his projects. Before, during and after creating your business. He must know how far he wants to go, how to go there, and put everything he knows into practice. It is sometimes difficult to find your path, the field, or the idea that will guide your steps.

What better feeling than the satisfaction one feels when one does everything possible to live in a better world and achieve the goal we have set for ourselves?

Warning: Do not confuse determination with obstinacy! Determination is having a specific goal and doing whatever it takes to achieve it. Stubbornness is repeating something that doesn’t work over and over again thinking (mistakenly) that it will one day work despite many warnings from the outside, purely out of personal pride.

2. Be passionate and creative

The Japanese use Ikigai to find their way, a philosophy of life which consists of finding meaning in one’s existence, a balance, a reason to get up in the morning and be happy every day.

Ikigai would be the junction and the balance between four components:

• What I love to do
• What I’m good at
• What the world needs
• What I can get paid for

The passion would then be this junction between what I like to do and what I am good at. It is for this reason that passionate entrepreneurs generally do quality work because they love it.

Without commitment, without passion, everyone performs much less well, stress becomes more difficult to manage, and everything suffers, work, family life, etc.

In addition, passion ensures optimism, the latter being essential especially when times are tough. Due to a pronounced passion for their field, entrepreneurs are therefore more creative and have new ideas, breaking out of the box and the norm and showing creativity is an important, if not essential, asset of a good entrepreneur.

It is when no idea is identical to the other that an entrepreneur will truly be successful and will be able to distinguish himself from the competition and quickly move to the next level. Creative ideas also ensure the viability and survival of the business in the short and long term.

3. Be courageous

Good entrepreneurs are defined by their character, and one of the first essential character traits to be a good entrepreneur is obviously courage.

And yes, the path to entrepreneurship is perilous and full of obstacles to overcome. An entrepreneur too has his weaknesses and flaws and yes (it has to be said) sometimes carrying a project of such magnitude at arm’s length is tiring.

The latter must face loneliness, depression, stress, lack of sleep, etc. But don’t be afraid of difficulties! By defeating them you will become stronger, more able to analyze and react quickly, and more confident in yourself and your decisions. Courage is therefore more than necessary for a leader. Furthermore, fear and fear do not lessen the danger.

4. Know how to organise

The entrepreneur, to succeed, must also be organized, in his work, his ideas and his life. He must know exactly when he has to work, and precisely what he has to do, thanks to regularly updated schedules and/or a notebook, for example.

It is for this reason that, for most self-employed people who work from home, care must be taken not to mix professional and personal lives.

The contractor must give himself a start and end time for work. This means that he must not, after this time, organize appointments of a professional nature. Thus, all the time he has, after 6 or 7 p.m., is spent disconnecting and spending time with family.

Also, he plans everything he is going to do in the coming year and knows what to expect. It is clear that we cannot plan everything. There will be unforeseen events, that’s obvious, we just have to face them courageously.

5. Know how to delegate

In order to be able to concentrate on important tasks, a good entrepreneur knows how to delegate. It is completely understandable that in wanting to carry out a project that is close to our hearts, we do not want to leave it in the hands of just anyone. 

There is an apprehension about having to let someone else run the business for you. But sometimes it becomes necessary to have a right arm to lean on, especially when times are tough.

Knowing how to delegate well is a quality and a skill that not everyone has. To the extent that delegating can lead to complications if you don’t know how to do it or if the person to whom you delegate is wrong.

The entrepreneur therefore knows how to correctly explain everything that needs to be done, detail it, and above all carefully choose the person to whom he delegates. This is an important point when you manage to work weeks of 70 hours or more!

6. Be Modest

Arrogance, pride, or vanity have no place in our communities as a way to stir up the masses. It therefore takes inner pride to succeed, but simplicity in dealing with others. The entrepreneur must therefore show a lot of firmness, courage, and assurance, but also humility, realizing that he is not always the best. 

Questioning, even in front of one’s collaborators, is a real quality. One who has already established trust, and demonstrated the skills to take on a leadership role, will be more respected. 

7. Be sociable and open to others

To be successful, the entrepreneur must be open-minded. As a result, he will be able to talk to everyone about everything. There are therefore many more opportunities to meet individuals. 

This allows you to create a relatively large address book, which is a major asset in creating a business. Between customers, suppliers and future collaborators, the world is full of interesting people to meet.

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