How to Remove Eyelash Extensions Safely at Home

Long eyelashes are the latest beauty trend. And the good news is, now you don’t have to be naturally blessed with long eyelashes.

Long eyelashes make you look younger and elevate your look without any makeup on.

With eyelashes extension, you can get fuller and long eyelashes effortlessly.

Given your hectic schedule and daily responsibilities, you can’t always book an appointment to retouch and remove your eyelash extensions.

But what if you are able to take off eyelash extensions safely at home. Here are a few tips and methods to remove the eyelash extensions safely-

How to Remove Eyelashes Safely at Home?

Here is the ultimate guide shared by experts to remove eyelashes safely, and with ease.

  • Use Oil-based Eye Makeup Remover

Oil-based eye makeup remover breaks the formulation of eyelash extension glue, to dissolve it. And soon you will see that your eyelash is gradually falling off.

How to use:

First, cleanse your eyes with warm water. Then gently apply the makeup remover oil around in circular motions.

You need to do this for a few nights, and you will notice that the eyelash extensions gradually loosen and finally fall apart from your natural eyelash.

It’s a win-win situation, where the eye makeup remover takes off the makeup and also removes the eyelash extension.

  • Take a Hot Shower or Steam the face

Your lash lady may advise you to avoid steam and hot water bath to keep eyelashes intact. Here we have to do exactly the opposite, since the task is to remove the eyelash and break the adhesive now. Hot water or steam makes the eyelash adhesive dry and brittle and eventually breaks the bond.

Take a hot shower or steam twice a week. And soon, your eyelash extensions will come off from your natural eyelash.

  • Apply castor oil

Castor oil is a promising ingredient in natural beauty regimes. This oil will loosen the adhesive, to drop the eyelash extensions.

 Apply the castor oil around in gentle circular motions before bedtime. Do this every night until your eyelash falls off naturally.

Castor oil is traditionally a remedy for thinning hair and eyelashes. It will condition the hair shaft and promote hair growth.

  • Apply oils

If you like to go all natural with your hair and skin, oil is a great natural beauty remedy for you. It’s a budget-friendly, convenient, less allergic, and suits almost all skin types.

Choose the oil which suits you the best.

Some of the safe oils for eyebrow extension removal are:

  • Coconut oil
  • Aloe vera Oil
  • Castor Oil
  • Baby Oil
  • Olive Oil

Cleanse the eyes with warm water. Saturate the cotton pad with the oil. Move the cotton pad in a circular motion around and gently place the cotton pad on the eyes for at least 3 minutes.

You will see the eyelash extension detaching from your eyelashes.

  • Use Vaseline

Vaseline is another widely used ingredient in our beauty regimes. It loosens the adhesive bond and quickly removes the eyelash extension.

Apply Vaseline apply on the eyelash extension with clean fingers. Hold the eyelash and remove the extension gently.

Also, make sure that Vaseline doesn’t irritate your skin. Tip- always advisable to do a skin patch test before applying any ingredient or product on the skin or hair.

Finally, wipe off the Vaseline with a clean, damp cloth. Rinse the eyes.


Homemade remedies require persistence and patience. But you can always rely on home remedies if your skin is sensitive and prone to allergies.

If you are looking to remove your eyelash extension, instantly book an appointment with certified beautician to avoid eye irritation and infection