Among the most loved seafoods of many are these dark-turned-bright colored fresh seafood that you surely cannot resist when placed on your dining table! They are beautiful inside and out, both in looks and in taste! Crabs are timeless! They cannot be compared with any other fresh seafood for their uniqueness and catchiness are just awesome!
When you are stuck at home craving for those delightful crab dishes in restaurants, worry no more because you can have fresh seafood delivered to your house! Yes, you can call a fresh seafood market online for your crabs to be shipped to your home! From that point, you can do a lot of exceptional styles to cook and eat your crabs!
Check out the list below for 5 crab recipes you can personally cook at home! Get yourself ready because you might drool a bit just by imagining it.
1. Grilled Dungeness Crab

Photo from Louisiana Grills website
The Dungeness Crab is an especially popular seafood that is favored among The United States and Canada. Due to the Dungeness Crab’s tender meat and unique taste of the sea with a tad bit of natural sweetness, it is no wonder that many people remarkably love them.
Grilling these seafood can really make you smell and taste the smoky flavor of the sea. Because the crab in itself is already soft and juicy. especially when it is fresh, grilling them and adding spicy ginger, Jalapeño, and garlic butter baste (The juicy sauce that is brushed on the meat to add a wonderful garlicky yet complimented with the gracious dairy flavor of butter) can really give a kick to the grilled Dungeness Crab’s taste. If you want to have the best tasting Grilled Dungeness Crabs, make sure to get the best specimens.
2. Cream Cheese Crab Dip

Photo from Wiki How website
This cheesy, delicious dip is best used when chilled. This is a great tasting dip for nachos, tortilla chips and other food items that can be eaten with a dip. Adding garlic powder and a bit of cayenne can really make this nice and subtle punch to the sauce. Fresh parsley, cilantro or chopped green onions would give it a pretty color and a pretty nice light flavor of herbs too.
3. Grilled Soft Shelled Crabs

Photo from Cucina Magia
The Soft Shelled Crabs found in the bays of Virginia and Maryland are, as the name implies, notoriously soft shelled in comparison to other types of crab’s shells. The shell is so soft that you can eat it along with the meat, no tasteless pieces of hard, crustaceous integument or carapace (covering).
Grilling this already very tender crab can really make you feel like you bit into a cake with legs. Adding Tarragon sauce gives the crab a slightly bittersweet flavor and an aroma similar to anise which can balance out the rich and tender meat of the crab, giving it a really nice taste. This dish is perfect for the summer.
4. Deviled Crab

Photo from Hunter Angler Gardener Cook website
If you want an appetizer that is pretty eye-catching and elegant looking, the Deviled Crab is sure to be a great choice for you. Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, lemon and a bunch of other flavorful herbs and spices will really give the Deviled Crab a great pleasant taste that is easy to stomach and really helps make you want to dig into your main courses.
You can even make them as snacks and prepare them ahead of time for small celebrations or a huge party also. If this pleasant tasting crab snack is what you’re looking for, give it a try! You won’t regret it.
5. Classic Crab Roll

Photo from Pinterest
This crab recipe is a classic one that was and still is enjoyed today. The Classic Crab Roll is a great recipe for having it as snacks and is a delicious summertime crab dish. The Classic Crab Roll is made with a spicy mayo with a hint of zesty lemons, giving off refreshing flavors with a zip! Canned or frozen crab can also be used to put together this simple yet delicious salad. For a tangy taste, adding pickle vegetables will be great to top it all off.
You definitely can cook all these 5 amazing recipes with your fresh crabs! Just by reading and knowing about it, it makes one’s tummy rumble! There are indeed loads of ways you can prepare, cook and eat fresh crabs, for they are just so amazing as they are!
Do not be afraid to experiment on these crab recipes and more! Enjoy your fresh seafood with your fresh ideas on how to bring life to them not as live animals but as food you can now savor!

Nicole Ann Pore believes that freshness of what people eat is always important not only because of the experience but also of its health implications. She writes about matters that revolve around fresh seafood and the market industry. Nicole is a daytime writer for Manettas Seafood Market Australia, an online and interactive seafood market allowing accessibility to the highest quality seafood from Australia and abroad. | Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.