How Does A Montessori Preschool In Ahmedabad Shape Your Child’s Future

Parenting has never been easy. There are innumerable challenges to face and best practices to follow which often makes the whole child upbringing journey both rewarding and confusing at the same time. And there comes the aspect of choosing the best preschool curriculum that has the right educational approach for your child’s early years.

During this phase, the term Montessori often crops up when parents are looking for plausible curricula for their children. In this post, let’s discuss some of the benefits of a  Montessori Preschool syllabus and how best it can shape your child, her academic foundational skills and her general abilities.

An introduction to the Montessori preschool curriculum

Dr Maria Montessori, an Italian physicist and an educationist, developed the Montessori curriculum which is a non-traditional method of learning that focuses on fostering independence and self-initiation in the preschool classroom.

The theory behind the program is to encourage children to develop an innate interest in learning in an orderly classroom environment that thrives on cleanliness and harmony.

Let’s get on with the top benefits of a Montessori Preschool in Ahmedabad:

1. Child-centred and Individual paced learning

Every Montessori classroom material is made keeping in mind age-appropriate skills. Therefore, when children begin their pre-schooling, they are often enthusiastic and inquisitive to explore these colourful materials and self-initiate their learning process.

Here, children are given the time and space to excel in these activities and only then move on to the next level of difficulty.

Every child is given ample time to master their concepts and there are no time-bound lesson plans where the child is pressured to follow the lesson plan. This wonderful aspect of the Montessori approach makes children love their lessons and their activities which in turn ignites a lifelong passion for exploring new things that come their way.

2. Develops Empathy and Cooperativeness

Montessori classrooms are mixed-age classrooms consisting of children from three different age groups. This enables the younger ones to seek the help of the elder peers and gives the elder children a chance to be more empathetic towards the younger peers.

Children are encouraged to ask questions and they are respected as individuals who have the right to choose what they want to learn. This brings about a more cooperative environment between the teacher and the students and gives children a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.

3. Helps Improve Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is one of the key aspects of a successful and responsible individual. It is the ability to understand and manage emotions appropriately and in a positive way to create the right impact in all their endeavors.

A strong EQ will help in communicating effectively, overcoming conflict and handling group challenges more successfully. In order to be a productive member of society, it is important to understand the importance of societal values and respect one another’s perspectives.

4. Social Etiquettes

Another crucial feature of the Montessori curriculum is following social etiquette and discipline inside and outside the classroom. Children are even taught how to hold their Montessori materials and walk to their working spaces. They are taught to use the golden words whenever appropriate like Thank you, Good Morning, Welcome, Sorry, etc.

In a Montessori classroom, teachers create as many situations as possible, where children can use these words on a daily basis. They are also taught to consider others opinions as well as voice their own.

5. Analysing self and using critical thinking ability

This is also an important aspect that can benefit your child in the long run. Every responsible adult should have the critical thinking ability to understand his own actions through self-assessment and analysis. This helps children take their successes and failures in their stride and choose the most sensible option while making important decisions.


These were some important aspects of a Montessori school curriculum followed by the best preschools in Ahmedabad. The Montessori preschool Curriculum has a string of benefits and can be the right start for your child’s early education.