What Ethical Hacking Skills Do Professionals Need?

Many of us, especially those older in social systems, associate the word “hacking” with the theft of digital information via computers and the Internet. However, there are two sides to coin hacking. Malicious hacking and ethical hacking.

A malicious hacker is someone who causes Internet security breaches and steals or hacks sensitive business or personal information. An ethical hacker, on the other hand, is someone hired by a company to prevent security breaches and protect sensitive information from malicious cyberattacks. 

This article explains what an ethical hacker is and the skills an ethical hacker needs to be successful at ethical hacking.

What is Ethical Hacking?

The term “hacking” is known for the infamous act of stealing passwords and data from digital devices and networks. Its meaning can be confused with using it for malicious purposes, but it can also be used ethically, known as ethical hacking.

Businesses today generate vast amounts of sensitive data and online assets. An ethical hacker is a professional who is responsible for protecting an organization’s online resources. To maintain corporate computers, servers, and other components of an organization’s infrastructure, ethical hackers need job-specific skills to protect websites from cyberattacks.

Therefore, companies conduct ethical hacking techniques such as penetration testing to ensure the safety of their websites. Determining the security and vulnerability of a corporate website requires an ethical hacker to compromise a computer system.

Ethical Hacking Skills Professionals Need

Ethical hacking skills are essential to protect an organization’s online assets today. Taking an ethical hacker course will help you climb the career ladder and get better paid. The question is, what are the most important skills to become an ethical hacker? So let’s find them out.

1. Networking

A computer network is a connection of multiple computers and devices, called hosts, connected by paths for receiving data or media. An ethical hacker should be familiar with network models, Internet protocols, IP addresses, SUORNETTING, DHCP, SUBNETTING, etc. to know how to deal with each threat.

To do this, you can get certified training in ethical hacking. For example, Henry Harvin’s Certified Ethical Hacking Course

This course helps candidates master the essential skills and techniques of ethical hacking such as penetration testing, enumeration, sniffing, vulnerability analysis, SQL injection, and network packet analysis. This 40-hour interactive session is a complete training course on ethical hacking.

2. Computer skills – Basic

Ethical hacking skills are one of the advanced IT skills used by ethical hackers. It goes without saying that ethical hackers are expected to have basic computer skills such as documenting and manipulating information, creating spreadsheets, creating presentations, and writing emails. Other expected skills include social media proficiency, communication skills, and performing data management tasks.

3. Cloud

Cloud computing is now on everyone’s lips. Many companies are moving their business operations to the cloud. Ethical hackers should be familiar with cloud computing systems so they can recognize vulnerabilities in major cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

4. Programming Skills

An ethical hacker’s job is to identify weaknesses in an organization’s online systems. Many of these systems are written in computer programming languages. Therefore, ethical hackers need to know, as part of their job, the various programming languages ​​hackers use and the languages ​​they need to hack. This includes Python, SQL, C, C++, Java, Perl, etc.

5. SQL Skills

SQL is the language used to communicate with databases in cross-platform web hacking. SQL injection bypasses vulnerable web application login algorithms and wipes data from databases. SQL skills are therefore essential for any ethical hacker.

6. Computer Hardware skills

Just as computer software is vulnerable to threats, so are computer hardware systems. With software security in place, it can be prevented. However, hardware security is not. Thorough knowledge of hardware systems is the key to becoming an ethical hacker. Unfamiliarity with how motherboards work, how USB transfers data, how CMOS and BIOS work together, etc., how will they fend off threats?

7. Cryptography

To prevent unauthorized decryption of personal information, computer experts have devised methods of encrypting information in a way that cannot be interpreted over digital channels. This information-sharing method is cryptography.

So this is another area for ethical hackers to experience. They must ensure that sensitive information is not leaked between different entities within the organization.

8. Reverse Engineering

An analysis of the product’s code provides insight into the product’s architecture, requirements, and functionality. This is reverse engineering. Ethical hackers also need knowledge of reverse engineering. In fact, many ethical hackers use these techniques to find bugs and vulnerabilities to stop spyware and hackers.

9. Problem-solving and Analytical Skills

This skill is something that needs to be inherent in an ethical hacker. One can train to identify bugs or threats in a system. But one also needs to analyze and resolve the issue in a stipulated time.

Ethical hackers must therefore be strategic thinkers and creative problem solvers. 

10. Database management

The central part of the organization is the database management system (DBMS). For the company’s benefit, this application must withstand hacker attacks. To help a company build a powerful DBMS, an ethical hacker must have a thorough understanding of databases, various database engines, and data schemas.


The skills listed above are ethical hacking skills that will help you achieve your desired goals. You should learn and work on these skills if you are to secure a job. Learn how to code, use the Internet, improve problem-solving skills, and take advantage of security tools.

Now that you know the skills an ethical hacker professional needs, you can use this information to land yourself a well-paying ethical hacker job. With the demand for ethical hackers soaring right now, it’s the perfect time to pursue a promising career with credible ethical hacking certification training.