You bought your vacation house only a few years ago, only to return to discover it in a deteriorating state. How do you compensate for all of your financial losses? Structural damage to a home is something we’ve all experienced at some point in our lives!
Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, it’s a threat, an annoyance, and a financial loss. And who is the perpetrator of this heinous crime? The culprit is the bug known as the wood borer! And people want to borer control.
A borer beetle is exactly the type of insect you don’t want in your home or near any valuable wood. Did you know they’re just as dangerous as termites?
When compared to other insects, these not only cause havoc after they reach adulthood. But they are significantly more destructive to wood when in the larval stage!
Who knew they could be so harmful right from the start? As a result, it is critical that you get professional assistance when dealing with a borer beetle infestation.
A borer control recognize the importance of prompt and effective treatment to prevent accidents and the loss of important objects.
How Do You Recognize Infestation Symptoms?
Borer beetles, as their name implies, ‘bore’ holes in wood and take advantage of its porous nature. You may not even realize you’re dealing with an infestation until it’s too late. Keep a look out for the following:
Symptoms of a borer infestation include
- In the wood, there are round or oval holes with sharp edges.
- Adult beetles emerge out the holes, causing fine dust, sometimes known as ‘bore dust.
- Wood begins to deteriorate quickly.
- Tunnels are being built in the woods.
- Floorboards, roofing, and other timber that is flimsy or damaged.
- Dead beetles can be found in or near wooded areas.
- Identifying eggs, larvae, and adults of borer beetles
When these symptoms appear than people should to contact with borer control management.
What’s the Best Way to Get Rid of a Wood Borer Infestation?
- It is advisable to hire us to deal with the infestation since we will be able to identify. The type of borer beetle and the appropriate treatment for them. We have multiple alternatives among the various therapies we provide.
- Water-based treatment that reduces the likelihood of an infestation while also ensuring that you. Your family, and pets are not exposed to the chemicals. This is the best way of borer control.
- Borer beetles are eradicated by fumigation at any point of their life cycle.
- Endotherm heat treatment is a chemical-free method of resolving the problem in just one inspection.
- Pesticides can be applied on the spot, but the most efficient insecticides are only available from licensed professionals.
- Freezing. Infested furniture can be wrapped in plastic and stored for many weeks in walk-in freezers.
- Fumigation
Treatment with heat. For a few hours, the wood is heated to 50-70 degrees Celsius.
- Some beetles wreak havoc on wood used in construction and furnishings, while others stick to forests or the roots of living trees.
These are the easy way of borer control.
When you realize how many different types of wood borers there are, things get even worse
Borer beetles are known to attack wood, although they prefer different types of wood and consume it in different ways. Borer beetles are divided into three categories that cause damage:
Post Beetle Powder
This beetle, sometimes known as the Lyctid borer, feeds on the sapwood of certain hardwood trees. It leaves behind a fine dust with the texture of talcum powder that can degrade the strength of the wood.
Furniture Beetle (Common Furniture Beetle)
It favors well-seasoned lumber and softwood, which is widely used to produce flooring, furniture, and other wood-based things. It is also known as Anobium Punctatum. This borer beetle enjoys chilly, moist environments.
Longhorn Beetle in the House
Hylotrupes Bajulus is its scientific name, and it can live anywhere from 3 to 11 years before becoming an adult. It prefers to attack wood and the region around the chimney, producing a blistered appearance. In sunny settings, it may roam about easily, allowing it to quickly spread infestations.